Of all the names of Christ, this one has always been the most perplexing to me. What does it mean that Christ is the Word? Something about the rhythm of this Scripture combined with the name the Word seems almost mysterious.
Yet, I don’t think it needs to be. Perhaps we get thrown off by the idiom John uses here, allowing it to distract us from seeing the name for simply what it means. Hebrews 1:2 sheds light on the meaning of this name for Christ when it says that “in these last days [God] has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed the heir of all things, through whom also he created the world” (ESV).
Christ spoke the Truth, the Word of God, while He was here on earth. In the short time of His ministry, He imparted wisdom that our human minds are still trying to comprehend. We’re still trying to learn from and decipher His teachings because they are the very thoughts of God himself.
Who else could God send to share His thoughts but His only Son and Heir, the second person in the Trinity, Christ Jesus? No one else would suffice because no one else could know the mind of God. The Word came so that we could learn the very thoughts of God.
As I think about that truth, I am overwhelmed by the goodness of God. I am overwhelmed that He allowed His Son to share His thoughts with us so that we could grow in our knowledge and understanding of who He is. Through the revelation of His thoughts, we can draw nearer to Him. What an incredible gift!
Today, we invite you to spend a few minutes in prayer asking the Holy Spirit to reveal new truths to you about Christ as you reflect on John 1:1.