We've explored what Christ came to do--to bring salvation to the lost and broken world. Today, we explore that further by looking at why He came.

Yes, Christ took on human flesh to become the everlasting sacrifice for our sins because it was the only way the debt could be paid once and for all. But He also came to earth as a human because the Father asked it of Him. It was an act of obedience. Christ certainly knew the pain He would endure when He laid down His life for us, but He loved the Father enough to obey, even when faced with a brutal, humiliating death. And, He trusted the Father enough to know that if the Father asked Him to do something, it was right and would glorify God. And, bringing glory to God should be the goal of all creation!
There are many things the Father asks me to do, things that are out of my comfort zone, things that might stretch me physically, mentally, or emotionally or perhaps seem inconvenient at the time. I would love to say that my answer to the Father's requests is always a passionate "yes," but the truth is, sometimes I begrudgingly obey. Even worse, sometimes, I refuse to obey.
I am so thankful that Christ Jesus the Son loved and trusted the Father enough to say "yes" to the plan for our salvation! Aren't you? Knowing He obeyed even to the point of death makes me sad for all of the times I chose not to submit to God's desires for my life.
Let's take a few minutes to reflect on the Son's obedience to the Father and praise Him for that! The Son's obedience brought our salvation, and He deserves our praise!
Next, spend a few minutes asking the Father if there's something He's asking you to do that you haven't wholly, passionately accepted. If there is something He requests of you, say "yes" to Him today! Because what the Father asks of you may not be easy, it may not be comfortable, it may not be convenient, but it will always be for His glory! And glorifying the Father should be our heart's desire.
This piece was originally published at Joy in Faithful Living in 2020. They have graciously granted us full permission to re-publish the series here, but we would love for you to visit their site and support their ministry, as well! Check out their work at joyinfaithfulliving.com.