As a military family, we moved a lot. Every move meant I had to find a new dentist, a new hair stylist, and, worse, a new church. With every move, we started over, and while some aspects of the adventure were fun and exciting, the worst for me was the loss of relationships I had developed within the local church body.
The loss of relationships with the local church took a toll on me with every move. In large part because that is where my deepest friendships were established. But also because the small-group Bible studies I was part of went away. And it always took time to find a new group I could dive into the Word within our new town.

When we moved from Kentucky six years ago, I left behind incredibly rich friendships with women who challenged my walk with the Lord and helped me grow in my faith through deep and meaningful discussions about Scripture. I stepped away from serving in the local body in ways that utilized my giftings, setting my soul on fire for the Lord.
It was a turning point for me.
Moving is chaotic, and for this girl who loves routine, the challenge of each day being unstructured and completely different was hard. It was really challenging to find time to sit with the Lord and study the way I wanted because the house was in disarray with boxes piled everywhere, and we were in a time crunch to get settled in before my husband had to start his next new job. Add to that with each move our boys had no routine or friends to play with, which meant they needed more of me. I’m not making excuses; the reality was that there was little time for Bible study.
Yet, I knew I needed the Lord daily. The summer we moved from Kentucky was extra full because my husband and I had to attend Army leadership courses which meant unpacking at light speed and doing everything needed to settle into our new home before traveling halfway across the country for those classes. I prayed about the upcoming move, specifically how I could minister to my family and do all I needed without becoming a stressed-out wreck who put too many things on her plate while still making time for the Lord.
That’s when Summer Scripture Memory Challenges came to life for me! As I prayed, I remembered the Scriptures I had memorized as a young mom when I was alone most of the time with a toddler and a very strong-willed preschooler and found myself losing my temper way too often. I remembered how the Holy Spirit brought those verses to life at just the right moments, reminding me not to be a fool who yells, provoking my child to more anger, and would ask the Lord to set a guard over my mouth so that my words were gentle as I corrected their behavior. He had to remind me of those things more times than I would like to admit because I wanted to yell and scream through my fatigue and frustration. But over time, His words started to take root, changing my heart and, in return, my responses in my moments of anger.
Here’s the thing, when we work on memorizing Scripture, we invite the Holy Spirit to change our inner being as He strengthens us and molds us into the image of Christ. At just the right moment, He will bring to mind His Words to point us back to the path of Life and gently lead us to the ways of Christ.

Memorizing Scripture will change your life! We can do it in small bits throughout our busy days, allowing the Lord to turn our hearts and minds toward Him each time we meditate on the verse! Pursuing Christ is always right, and memorizing Scripture is a powerful way to refocus our gaze on the One who carries us through all life’s challenges.
Memorizing Scripture is life-changing because Scripture is powerful! Want some proof? Here are a few of my favorite Scriptures about the power in God’s Word:
“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” Psalm 119:105 (ESV)
God’s Word is a guide for our lives that leads us in His ways, which are always right! Power!
“I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.” Psalm 119:11 (ESV)
God’s Word keeps us from sin when we make the effort to memorize it! Power!
“For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.” Hebrews 4:12 (ESV)
God’s Word literally cuts through our sinful flesh, exposing our wickedness and separating it from who we are in Christ. Power!
“And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.” Ephesians 6:17 (ESV)
God’s Word is a weapon to combat the enemy who longs to see us mired in sin and brokenness. Power!
“All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness.” 2 Timothy 3:16 (ESV)
This verse is really all the proof I need: God’s Word is literally what we call it — His words! I don’t know about you, but when I really understand that the Bible is filled with the thoughts and words of God Himself, I realize I want and need it the same way I need air in my lungs! As a follower of Christ, the Word of God is breath from the Creator Himself! That. Is. Power!
Working to memorize Scripture is one of the most important things you can do because it invites the Holy Spirit to change your life.
At Humble Faith, we are passionate about the power of memorizing Scripture and want to help you in this area! This summer, we invite you to grab your friends, your coworkers, and even your kids and join us for a special Summer Scripture Memory Challenge. We’ll be doing this challenge right on our Facebook page! Each Sunday, we’ll introduce three different verses from our different Scripture Memory workbooks for you to choose from. We hope you’ll choose one verse each week to memorize and then meditate on that verse daily, inviting the Holy Spirit to ignite a holy fire in your soul and transform your life as you do!
It’s no secret, I love the Word of God. That’s because it has changed my life. I hope you will join us this summer to see the change it will make in your life, too!

Chrissie Angell is the Executive Director and a Co-founder of Humble Faith Ministries. She is a speaker, writer, and Bible teacher passionate about pointing women to Jesus and helping them live out their Kingdom assignments. She and her husband, Brian, live in Kentucky with their two boys and their yellow lab, Charger.