“When I came to you, I did not come with eloquence or human wisdom as I proclaimed to you the testimony about God ... My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit’s power.” (I Corinthians 2:1, 4 NIV)
I am stopped by Paul’s words. He didn’t come with eloquence or human wisdom. He was free of having to sound or look wise — to appear intelligent. Paul simply told of God’s power.
I must confess, that as a writer, I want to sound wise. I want to impress people with wisdom and intelligence. To share divinely inspired ideas and “wow” people with them.
But if I want to point people to Christ.. what does sounding wise accomplish? Paul’s words remind me that I need to take the viewfinder off me, and put it on Christ. To tell what He has done, to reveal His power, and give Him glory.
Often, we go ‘round and ‘round in intellectual squabbles and theological tangents, but the Gospel story is simple: God came to us through a baby in a manger, who later became a Savior on a cross; Whose death for our sins on that cross and resurrection three days later provided a way to know God. Super condensed version: Jesus became a bridge to God.
All I need to do is tell the simple truth. That Jesus died and rose again, paying the debt for my sin, and yours, too. Believing in His name means a changed life here and heaven forever. As believers in Christ, we carry with us the hope of the life-giving work Christ did through the cross. Beautiful truths to share.
Those same beautiful truths are revealed differently in each of us. Each follower of Christ has a unique story to share.
My story is nothing dramatic or earth-shattering. It reveals my rural roots (and my age!). When I was eleven years old, I accepted Christ as my Savior during a revival (a series of evangelistic meetings) in a small, country church in rural Kentucky. I was baptized at the annual “baptizin'” in a nearby creek that same summer. God replaced the fear of what will happen when I die with a flood of peace and joy. I will be with Him ... forever. He implanted in my heart a love for His Word, which came alive for me and still grows to this day. I haven’t been perfect, but God has been faithful to me over the years.
There. A simple telling of my story — His story in my life. Hopefully, it’s a testimony that glorifies and honors God.
How about you — what’s your story? Please share in the comments below. Oh, and don’t worry about sounding “eloquent” or “wise” . . . just tell us your story!

Patty Perkins is a Contributor for Humble Faith Ministries. She enjoys long walks with her husband and gathering friends and family around her kitchen table. She and her husband love living back home in Kentucky and are grateful for their growing family. They have two grown sons. One is married, with the first grandchild due in August, and the other is engaged.
Wounded sinner, raised in the church. Brought to the cross after much defiance and wandering at 24. Forgiven, renewed, and changed . Used by God to further His kingdom. Glory to God in the highest!
I grew up truly believing that I had already lost my ticket to Heaven, that I had dug a hole that no amount of good deeds or love could pull me from. I had children and found MOPs and surrounded myself with God’s women and it was as if a rope had been lowered down into that hole to slowly pull me up. I am so very grateful that my life was touched and that God sent Jesus and these faithful souls to bring me back from the darkness.