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Keep On Keeping On

Writer: Erin NonakaErin Nonaka

To keep on keeping on, we keep the main thing, the main thing, all the way to the finish line.

When I was a girl and was wrestling through some of my most challenging moments, feeling like I couldn’t do it, that I wasn’t good enough, and figuring out my place in the world, my mom used to say, “Just keep on keeping on honey, you will get there.” She was always such a gentle and loving coach. 

I learned to work hard from a young age, helping at my dad’s office. I started with small jobs like taking out the trash, cleaning, and filing, then moved to other things along the way, such as physical therapy assistant and front office help. My father is a business owner and believes strongly in a job well done and excellence in everything along the way. No halfway, always all the way. I didn’t realize then that I would take so much of what I learned and the work ethic it created with me for the rest of my life’s journey. I am, to this day, grateful for those lessons. It has continued to spur me on throughout the years and adventures that have come my way.

As I’ve grown up in the Lord, I’ve learned that all these things were not just instilled in me by my parents but also by God, my Creator. The drive I have to do things well comes from Him. The excellence and joy in my passions and pursuits reflect who He is. His word has taught me precious truths about seeking Him first, looking for the work He has for me to do, and keeping my priorities in order as I honor and glorify Him. 

I cannot, by any stretch of the imagination, say that I have traveled through life without some snags in these areas. Every now and again, I even wrestle with adult versions of those thoughts from my younger years. However, His word consistently reminds me to keep the main thing the main thing - He is God. He knows me best, knows the best, and when I seek Him first in everything, I will not fail.

How do we keep on keeping on?


Remember, Decide, & Focus


● God is who He says He is. Draw near to Him.

● When God gives us the work to do, He is faithful, and He will give us what we need - Ask, then Listen - and be patient for when it is time to go and do and when to stay and wait.

● Sometimes, things aren’t supposed to go as we planned or thought. His plan is greater. It’s OK and good, even when it feels messy and out of our comfort zone.

● You are not alone. God made us for community; we all have a unified purpose to glorify Him.

Decide: When in the midst of work or completing certain seasons of work or ministry, evaluate and make decisions that will help you proceed and finish with strength in the Lord. 

I like to ask myself these questions:

● What has been my focus or main work?

● What are the goals that I made to accomplish this work?

● What goals/objectives still need to be met?

○ Seek the Lord and asses IF they all need to be met.

○ Decide what goals you will focus on as you finish well. (Less is more.)

○ Am I willing to let go if the Lord tells me to? (I want to be.)

● How is God being glorified within it?

Friends, our primary purpose is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever! How God is glorified is a significant thing to consider. Take the time, make a prayerful plan, and complete what you started, or “keep on keeping on” in the work the Lord has given you. 

Lastly, but most definitely not least is--

Focus on the right thing. “Keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of our faith” (Hebrews  12:2 CSB). 

  • Focus on the Lord & His wisdom. 

  • Remember the people around you that God has also created in the process! 

We can do work that keeps life full, all day, every day, but if we miss the people God puts around us, we may be missing out on the better or best work He has in mind. This has been a BIG and beautiful lesson for me personally. I can be so focused and task-oriented that I miss it. I don’t ever want to miss God’s greater plan--do you? 

Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and reaching forward to what is ahead, I pursue as my goal the prize promised by God’s heavenly call in Christ Jesus. Therefore, let all of us who are mature think this way. And if you think differently about anything, God will reveal this also to you. In any case, we should live up to whatever truth we have attained.

 Philippians 3:13-16 (CSB)

The work the Lord gives us on this earth is sometimes for just a moment, a season, or maybe even a lifetime. My heart’s desire is to seek the Lord and be in His will no matter the length of time or type of work He gives. In the midst of serving as a part of the HFM team, everything I have shared with you has rung true. As I have imperfectly Remembered, Decided, and Focused on the Lord, He has been faithful.

Currently, I find the Lord’s wisdom leads me to step away from the work in Humble Faith Ministries as the Director of Communications and Community. It has been my heart and passion for the better part of 2 years, and the unifying pieces of this ministry continue to ring true in my heart, yet, with my eyes focused on the Lord, He has a different work for me to do in my community, home, and career.

While it has not been my favorite thing to say “goodbye” or “see you later,” I am confident that it is the Lord’s best, and He is leading me forward in maturity as His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which He prepared beforehand, that I should walk in them (Ephesians 2: 8-10).

Let’s Remember, Decide, and Focus on the Lord in every work He has for us, big or small, long or short. Let us be mature and always seek the Lord to continue along life’s adventures.

He is the main thing, so let’s keep it that way.

Erin Nonaka is a Co-Founder and the Director of Communications and Community at Humble Faith Ministries. She is an experienced worship leader, Bible teacher, and encourager of women. She currently lives in Florida with her husband and two of her three sons.

1 Comment

Apr 09, 2024

You are such an inspiration to me. Love you, friend.


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