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Writer's pictureChrissie Angell

Good Shepherd

There was a time in my life when I was lost; I had wandered very far from God. My life was filled with darkness; my heart was overwhelmed with sorrow. I had strayed so far that I didn't know how to find my way back home to Him.

Thankfully, I didn't have to wander long because Jesus came looking for me.

A good shepherd always goes looking for a lost sheep. That's just what he does because the safety of his sheep is his top priority.

Christ is our Good Shepherd. He always seeks to find the lost sheep. In Luke 15:4-7, Jesus told the parable of the lost sheep, pointing out that if just one sheep is lost, a good shepherd will leave the ninety-nine who are safe to search for the one lost sheep. Because, to a good shepherd, every single sheep matters.

Jesus ended that parable with this thought from Luke 15:7, "Just so, I tell you, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance." Christ Jesus delights when a lost person repents and is found. That brings Him great joy!

Even though I made choices that took me on a path far from God, causing me to wander away and get lost, Jesus continued to look for me. And when He found me, He didn't scold or punish me the way I deserved. Instead, He rejoiced over me!

Have you wandered away from God? If so, know that the Good Shepherd is searching for you right now. Maybe you have a hard time believing He would search for someone like you. I personally wrestled with that thought when I was wandering. If you are reading this, my friend, please know that it is because He is actively searching for you! Right now! Turn and let Him rescue you; let Him take you home! Then, watch as He rejoices over you!

If you know someone who is lost, we encourage you to pray specifically for them right now. Ask the Good Shepherd to seek them, softening their hearts, so they will sense Him as He searches to bring them home! Pray that He will find them and have a reason to rejoice today!

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