Every once in a while, God births something so special that it’s clear only His hand could have made it possible.

When we first met fifteen years ago, I had no idea the journey the Lord would take us on together.
To be honest, in the hubris of youth, I was jealous of the strong confidence you displayed. We were so similar in talents, gifts, and passions, yet you seemed to know exactly who you were when I still felt unsure of myself. I allowed myself to be blinded by insecurities and the lure of competition, almost missing out on one of the sweetest friendships I’ve known.
Yet, in His kindness and compassion, the Lord revealed the error in my thinking and used you to break down walls in my heart erected by pride, replacing them with the realization that every woman in the Kingdom of God has great value and purpose, and when we work together, championing one another, we become a powerful force for His glory.
Our friendship has taught me that iron does, in fact, sharpen iron because you have sharpened me! Your strengths pulled out new things in me, stretching me beyond my comfort zone of known capabilities. Your passion for learning new things fueled my desire to grow. Your love for and joy in community taught me to pause and be present . . . even when I have a million things I want to accomplish.
Our journey together hasn’t been perfect; we’ve had trials and bumps, but they have taught me so much about being a friend and fellow warrior for Christ. While I know the Lord is leading you to other things, I am confident this is not the end of our journey together and that we will serve together again one day.

Sweet friend, the past two years have been such a joy. I believe with all my heart that the Lord brought us together once again for such a time as this. Your gifts of vision casting and launching new things were precisely what this team needed as Humble Faith Ministries was born. Your words of encouragement and partnership were exactly what I needed on days when fatigue set in, and I thought maybe this wasn’t worth all the effort.
I praise the Lord for your friendship. You will be greatly missed, but I am so proud of your obedience to follow where He leads. I cannot wait to see where He takes you next as you walk alongside Him in Humble Faith.
With love,
A postscript to our community, I pray that each of us continually champions our sisters, not seeing them as competition but as fellow warriors for Christ! May we sharpen one another as we daily battle against the spiritual forces of evil in Jesus’ name! We are so much stronger together, and there is a place at the Lord’s table for every one of us! Let your light shine!

Chrissie Angell is the Executive Director and a Co-founder of Humble Faith Ministries. She is a speaker, writer, and Bible teacher passionate about pointing women to Jesus and helping them live out their Kingdom assignments. She and her husband, Brian, live in Kentucky with their two boys and their yellow lab, Charger.